

Trade Organisations

GreenAcres Group launches web-based funeral planning service

The group behind the award-winning GreenAcres Woodland Burials has developed a free web-based service enabling people to choose and set out some of the aspects of their funeral service.

‘A Dozen Final Wishes’ has been launched by GreenAcres Group after it recognised that some people have difficulty talking with their loved ones about their funeral plans and wishes.

Managing director for GreenAcres Group Andy Paling explained: “Whether people are planning ahead for the next few weeks or the next few decades, our service not only ensures that people receive the send-off they want for themselves, but also removes some of the pressure from family members who can be sure they have fulfilled their loved one’s wishes and provided them with the funeral they truly wanted.


“All of GreenAcres’ staff understand that speaking to loved ones about funeral plans can be extremely tough and it is often put off. Our years of experience have helped us develop A Dozen Final Wishes, a free service which we are providing completely independently of any of our GreenAcres Woodland Burial parks. We have also developed this service mindful of people’s online privacy and information is safely stored in a personal account so that only the account holder can access the data.”

Users of A Dozen Final Wishes can personalise every part of their funeral, including such aspects as whether they would like to be buried or cremated; the type of coffin they would prefer; the music they would like played; and any particular readings or recordings they may want during the service.

Andy continued: “We have seen so many families who don’t know where to start with organising a funeral – they simply have no idea what their loved one would have wanted. We hope that A Dozen Final Wishes will go some way to help. We appreciate that planning a funeral is an incredibly emotional time for family and friends and A Dozen Final Wishes makes it just a little easier for everyone involved, particularly those who will be bereaved.

“A Dozen Final Wishes is part of our on-going efforts to help people talk more easily about the issue of death.”

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