


Douch sees two directors gain Funeral Arranging diplomas

Amy Turvey and Elise Basing spent six months longer than usual completing the qualification because of Covid

Douch Family Funeral Directors has revealed that two of the group’s funeral directors have passed their diplomas in Funeral Arranging and Administration.

Amy Turvey and Elise Basing spent six months longer than usual completing the qualification because of Covid.

Turvey began working for the group’s Douch and Small branch in Wimborne as an admin assistant when she was 18. Basing joined the James Smith branch in Swanage three years ago following a career as a freelance embalmer.

They both now have successfully completed their diploma that is run by the National Association of Funeral Directors.


, managing director, said: “It was a tough year in the funeral business; we were key workers during Covid and everyone was working extremely hard. So for Amy and Elise to also complete their diplomas was a testament to their commitment and hard work.

“They both have to complete another diploma before they are fully qualified, and I have no doubt both will fly through it as they have done with this one.”

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