LifeArt UK appoints Kevin Crute as new CEO

LifeArt UK has appointed Kevin Crute as its new CEO to “oversee a period of growth”, as the business looks to increase the adoption of “greener coffins in the British and Irish markets.”
Crute has formerly held the position of head of funerals at Central England Co-op and joined the Gloucester-based manufacturer of traditional and personalised coffins yesterday (6 January).
His appointment comes after a year of sustained growth for LifeArt amongst independent funeral businesses and co-operatives in the UK.
He will be responsible for brand building, logistics and nationwide adoption of LifeArt’s coffins, which produce up to 87% less greenhouse gas emissions during cremation and use up to 80% fewer trees in their manufacture.
Crute’s appointment will allow LifeArt UK’s joint venture partner Simon Rothwell, to focus on customer relations along with stakeholder strategy and engagement across government and industry.
Commenting on his appointment, Crute, who also served on the executive committee of the National Association of Funeral Directors for two years, said he was looking forward to helping more families to make better environmental choices in funerals.
He said: “It’s an incredibly exciting time to be joining LifeArt. The LifeArt team is transforming the funeral market, having started an important conversation about the sustainability of coffins and emissions from the cremation of coffins.
“Over the coming year, my aim will be to ensure more funeral directors offer LifeArt as a first choice and equip arrangers with the tools they need to help families personalise the funeral they are arranging, whilst also understanding the implications of cremating chipboard and MDF.
LifeArt’s international executive chairman Mike Grehan added: “We are delighted to welcome Kevin to the LifeArt team and over the coming months we’ll be refining and implementing a strategy that will drive significant growth throughout the UK and Ireland.”