


Funeral director to shave head for local community

The owner of Austin’s Family Funeral Directors, Claire Austin, has decided to shave her head to raise money for charity.

Austin, who has been running the business for 20 years, will be doing the good deed to raise money for the Stevenage Community Trust.

The trust was established in 1990 and helps to provide funding and support to charitable organisations and individuals in the Stevenage area and the surrounding villages.

Austin will be shaving her head at the business’ family fun day, which will be held on Saturday 25 August.


She said: “I was born and bred in Stevenage and for the past 20 years have run our family funeral business which was established in Stevenage more than 300 years ago. As a family company, we are very community focussed and are keen to support local charities and causes.

I have personally taken part in a number of fund raising events including charity work in India and Vietnam and in 2014 I ran the London Marathon in aid of our local hospice. Your support would be greatly appreciated by myself and those in our community.”

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