


100 Mile Walk for Charity

Funeral directors Ian Fishwick and Ewan Walder have completed a 100 mile walk over the Sussex Downs to raise money for charity. The colleagues from Arthur C. Towner in Bexhill completed the trek in under a week, raising over £6,400 for St Michael’s Hospice, which provides palliative care to people with life-limiting illnesses across Hastings and Rother.

Experienced walker, Ian Fishwick told Funeral Service Times: ‘The first three days were the hardest, then we got into our stride. I’ve done a fair amount of walking before. My colleague Ewan has done less but he does walk his three dogs. We were covering around 16 miles a day for six days, listening to music for much of the way’. Marcia Dart, the hospice’s fundraising team leader, later visited Towner’s Albert Road premises in Bexhill to express her thanks.

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