


Funeral Directors Support Child Bereavement Charity

Douch Family Funeral Directors in Dorset have joined forces with a local charity to help finance child bereavement courses for up to 200 teachers. The company will fund half the cost of ten training courses run by Mosaic, a charity that supports children up to the age of 18 who have experienced the death of a loved one.

As well as providing individual support, Mosaic runs residential weekends for bereaved children, young people and their families. The charity would like to train as many teachers as possible throughout Dorset.

Each year in the UK, 23,600 parents die leaving dependent children, which equates to one every 22 minutes. It is estimated that 2,500 children living in Dorset will be bereaved by the death of a close relative each year and 250 of those will need the support of a service like Mosaic.

Nick Douch, managing director of the funeral group, said death was often a taboo subject where children are concerned and it was important they received support.


Margaret Hannibal, CEO at Mosaic, said: ‘We believe it is really important to give teaching staff the confidence and skills to work with bereaved children and understand how they may react to the death of a loved one.’

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