Walk in aid of FSID

Families in Luton have organised a one-mile charity walk with help from the local Co-operative Funeralcare.
Organisers Nichola Roussou, Katy Maguire, Kelly Moncrieffe and Kerry Mulloch, who have all lost a family member to cot death, are hosting the event to raise funds for the Foundation for Study of Infant Deaths (FSID), a charity which works to prevent sudden death.
“We have been overwhelmed by the support from various local businesses which have kindly donated gifts to our raffle. We would especially like to thank staff at the Co-operative Funeralcare for participating and for the funds they have donated to help us organise the walk,” said Katy.
The first and second raffle prizes of £100 and £75 in high street vouchers respectively were donated by the funeral home.
You can sponsor the Mile in Memory team by texting MILE98 and the amount in pounds to 70070 or by visiting www.justgiving.com/teams/mile-in-memory
Image: (l-r) Kelly, Katy and Nichola.