UK adults opt against funeral flowers, survey finds
Some 31% of those surveyed by Low Cost Funeral by Memoria responded that they did not want any funeral flowers

Having no flowers at a funeral is reportedly the most popular course of action for UK citizens.
Some 31% of those surveyed by Low Cost Funeral by Memoria responded that they did not want any funeral flowers.
The responses of the 1,000 UK adults questioned highlighted the increasing popularity of low-cost funerals.
Howard Hodgson, CEO at the company, said: “A really important finding in our research was how the majority of people (31%) said they did not want any flowers at all and preferred family and friends to donate to a specified charity, like MacMillan Nurses for example, instead.
“Or, alternatively, as flowers are not seen as essential but can be a very costly expense, in many cases the deceased would prefer to save their family this financial burden.”
Roses were the most popular flower of choice, gaining 25% of the votes, while lilies and carnations were chosen by 19% and 14% of those surveyed respectively.
Hodgson added: “Lilies are seen to symbolise purity and the traditional funeral flower, but they seem to have fallen out of favour in recent years as they are associated with Victorian traditional bereavement in the way the colour black is.
“Roses are very versatile and come in all sorts of colours, meaning displays can be tailored to the individual and are seen to demonstrate personal love rather than a one size fits all tradition.”