

Funeral PlansPeople

Men less likely to discuss funeral wishes

New research has revealed nearly half of men aged 50 and above have never spoken to those closest to them about their own funeral wishes.

This compares to more than two thirds of women who say they have done so.

In a survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of funeral plan provider Ecclesiastical Planning Services, 1,000 people aged 50 and above were asked whether they had spoken to someone close to them about their own funeral wishes. Some 62% of people said they had opened up about funeral arrangements with family and friends.


However, when split by gender, the survey revealed that women were more comfortable with approaching the subject than men; 62% of women versus 38% of men who answered positively. Some 67% of the women surveyed revealed they had spoken to a loved one about their funeral arrangements at some point. Just 54% of the total men surveyed said they had done the same.

While 1% of respondents preferred not to give an answer, 27% said they hadn’t spoken to anyone about their wishes and a further 10% of respondents had not yet thought about their funeral wishes at all.

Emma Simpson, marketing manager of Ecclesiastical Planning Services, said: “It is surprising to see such a difference in the number of men who have discussed their funeral arrangements with friends and family than the number of women who have done so. We find that more women than men take out funeral plans.

“Taking out a funeral plan is an ideal way to ensure that loved ones aren’t left with lots of difficult funeral decisions to make. This research shows that women are clearly more comfortable discussing death and making the practical arrangement than their male counterparts.”

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