


The Good Funeral Guide launches the Good Funeral Guild

The Good Funeral Guide has announced a series of new events. They will be run by its new organisation, The Good Funeral Guild, which launched in summer 2016.

The events will take place in London during the Life. Death. Whatever. Festival at the National Trust’s Sutton House.

The Good Funeral Guild launch party takes place at Sutton House on October 4. The Good Funeral Weekender will be in the same location on October 15-16 and showcase the UK funeral industry. Visitors will meet funeral directors, artisan stonemasons and coffin makers. Teams from memorial art workshops and woodland burial grounds will be present on the day.

Funeral Tuesdays, a weekly salon, will take place throughout October covering a diverse range of topics including creative ceremonies, natural death and how to work in the #deathbiz. Speakers include Jeremy Field from the National Association of Funeral Directors, Rosie Inman-Cook from the Natural Death Centre and Allistair Anderson from Compassionate Funerals.


“We know you’re out there,” says Louise Winter, organiser and Good Funeral Guide editor. “There should be a way of getting all of you together, with all your different viewpoints and voices, a way of uniting the myriad of individuals in one association with a common goal – to improve funerals for everyone.”

“You can be the change that we are all waiting for. You can be part of the groundswell of people working towards a better future where dying people are supported, bereaved people are empowered and all funerals are the unique ceremonies they should be rather than just another job at the crem.”

Tickets for events are available from


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