


Scottish based funeral director receives honoury NAFD membership

Dom Maguire, Chairman of Anderson Maguire Funeral Directors in Glasgow, has been awarded Honorary Membership of the NAFD (National Association of Funeral Directors) at the Association’s annual conference in Belfast.

In its 115-year history, only 30 people have been awarded an Honorary membership. Dom is the first Scottish based undertaker to be conferred with the title.

President of the NAFD, William Millar said: “Dom Maguire richly deserves this honour. He has served this Association in his role of national public relations officer for 20 years and our National President in 1999.  

“Dom has set the standard for the funeral service profession, readily imparting his considerable knowledge and expertise for the betterment of the whole sector. Dom is also very caring person and that reflected in the fact that he has built such a great company in Anderson Maguire and is held in such high esteem”


Many tributes were paid to Dom on the night for his kindness and helpfulness. Fellow Honorary Member, Barry Hutsby summed up the feelings of so many in the funeral directing industry when he said. “This award is richly deserved. This man is the ultimate professionals’ professional “

Dom Maguire said: “It is such a great honour to have received this award. I have worked hard all my life to improve the standards set by the funeral profession and to give it a voice which has been heard throughout the UK.  To be recognised like this by my peers is the ultimate accolade.”

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