Ed Brunskill becomes LAFD western district chairman at committee’s AGM

Jim Golding handed the LAFD western district chairmanship to Ed Brunskill at the committee’s recent AGM at the Quintin Hogg Memorial Ground in Chiswick.
The meeting featured an informative speech by vice president of the European Federation of Funeral Services Christopher Henley and the outgoing chairman’s annual report.
Inclement weather prevented LAFD president Jeremy Field from attending the event, so his scheduled talk was replaced by Darren Dixon of Recollections, who gave an impromptu oversight of his company and its products.
Ed Brunskill formally accepted the position of chairman at the meeting’s conclusion before he invited attendees to retire to the dining room for some food and a game of ‘stand up bingo’ to raise funds for the charity Winston’s Wish.
The bingo game raised £240 for the charity, which was generously matched by Kate Harris of the Chiltern Woodland Burial Ground. Additionally, Darren Dixon donated a raffle prize of £100 to use towards any of the products in his range.