Birmingham’s largest cemetery ‘full to capacity’
Birmingham’s Witton Cemetery has revealed that it is ‘full to capacity’ and cannot serve any more clients, leaving families in the north of Birmingham to find alternative burial locations.
The cemetery has been unable to take on new graves since late 2013 and a Birmingham City Council spokesperson said: “Witton Cemetery became full to capacity for new adult graves in December 2013.
“Burials will continue to take place in Witton Cemetery where families have an existing grave that has space for burial. There are still new graves available for the burial of babies and cremated remains.”
Birmingham City Council has been advising local funeral directors of the impending closure, ensuring that they are kept abreast of the situation. The spokesperson added: “Space is still available for new adult graves at Sutton New Hall, Handsworth, Lodge Hill, Quinton and Kings Norton Cemeteries.”
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