

Current AffairsPeople

Funeral directors’ double charity success

After only starting running and cycling in the last 18 months, David and Beth Bray, of R J Bray & Son, Wadebridge, Cornwall, have completed a double challenge this year.

In April they ran the London Marathon, in aid of FLEET, (a Cornish charity which continually upgrades equipment on Cornwall’s ambulances). Then, in July, they cycled over 350 miles in four days, from London to Paris, raising money for the Alzheimer’s Society.

David commented: “When I was young, our family were all involved with the St John Ambulance Brigade, with dad rising to the rank of Deputy Commissioner of Cornwall.

“I can remember him being on call evenings and weekends, and I can vividly picture the old Bedford ambulance, with no sirens back then, but instead, a big silver bell on top of the bonnet”.


“Ambulances have come on leaps and bounds since then, and FLEET exists to raise funds to continually update their equipment throughout Cornwall”.

If ambulances reflect Ron’s past, sadly Alzheimer’s disease is now his present. “Dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease a few years ago, and although he remains happy in himself, it’s sad to see the effect this disease has on both the person themselves, and their family and friends, so we were very keen to raise funds for the Society”.

David continued: “We would like to thank everyone for their support, and generous donations, which is now approaching £10,000. We are hoping to continue both running and cycling, and aim to take part in next year’s London Marathon, and then the 100 mile RideLondon”.

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