

Current Affairs

Humanists UK trains dozens of new funeral celebrants

Since the start of 2017, Humanists UK (formerly known as the British Humanist Association) has trained and accredited over two dozen new funeral celebrants, from regions all over the UK.

“These funeral celebrants join the largest network of non-religious celebrants in the UK and they are selected and trained to the highest standards,” said Isabel Russo, Head of Ceremonies.

“All Humanists UK celebrants work to a strict code of conduct and give the assurance of quality, as well as of being genuine humanists.

“With the recent British Social Attitudes Survey highlighting that 53 percent of Britons state that they do not have a religion, Humanists UK are actively recruiting in regions where there is an increased demand for humanist funerals.”


If you are interested in being considered for selection and training, visit:

To find your local Humanist UK accredited funeral celebrants, go to:

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