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Love2Donate supports Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity

Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity is receiving funds from Love2Donate’, and ‘Footprints and Whispers’. The trading arms of L2D Limited provide online services for funeral directors.

Brian Thorogood, a Director of Love2Donate, said: “We are very proud to announce we are supporting Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity. L2D Limited has a stated and published aim to divert as much money to charity as possible and this is part of that commitment.

“The money will be donated to Birmingham Children’s Hospital’s Eye Department, which has a very special place in our hearts since they treated a young member of our family for Retinoblastoma in 1999.”

Retinoblastoma is a form of eye cancer that affects young children. Birmingham Children’s Hospital is one of only two hospitals commissioned to provide national Retinoblastoma services, including treatment and post-operative care.


Footprints and Whispers has pledged to donate five percent of the margin of all its sales to Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity, specifically to support the Eye Department.

Love2Donate : Events will be organising a charity swim the length of Lake Windermere (10.8 miles) in 2018. Chris Lodge of Lodge Brothers Funeral Directors has already volunteered for this immense challenge.

Annie Eytle, acting events and regional fundraising manager at Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity, said: “We’re always inspired to hear that the care our wonderful hospital delivers every day encourages families to fundraise.  

“The money Love2Donate and Footprints and Whispers hope to raise will go a long way towards making a huge difference to all of our brave children treated at our Eye Department – enabling us to continue our plans to improve facilities.”

For more information, please visit and or call Sue or Brian on 01908 886167 so they can demonstrate how funeral directors can benefit from their services. Funeral directors are welcome join the sponsored swim!

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