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FBCA endorses FFMA coffin protocol

Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities (FBCA) has announced that it will be endorsing the Funeral Furnishing Manufacturers Association (FFMA) coffin and casket protocol.

This statement is in line with the agreement and support of ICCM and APPC Cremation Associations. This protocol has taken four years to complete, the FFMA is sure that it will be well received and welcomed by all those involved in the funeral profession, ensuring that all coffins are fit for purpose.

FFMA have the majority of coffin manufacturers in the UK as members, it also has now attracted manufacturers from all parts of Europe. The protocol will act as a guide to coffin production for everyone.

Health and Safety when handling coffins has to be a priority, the new protocol hopes to ensure this.


David Crampton president of the FFMA said:”Our thanks to the cremation society representatives, Rick Powell of FBCA, Tim Morris of ICCM and Richard Barradell  of APPC for their hard work and dedication whilst working with us. It was always going to be a trying and difficult project but in the end simply a fantastic result.

“Our thanks to some of the major Funeral Associations, NAFD, SAIF, BIFD, BIE for their support and for promoting our protocol to their membership. The FFMA has had the benefit of an excellent Working Party Group, they have worked in tandem with the cremation representatives and staff of Intertek of Leicester and Leigh,our chosen testing house which is also supported by the cremation associations.

“Therefore our thanks to our working party members, Alan Dawes Chairman , David Clark of Terry Smith Ltd, David Spittle of Bradnam Joinery Ltd, Bob Tomes of Colourful Coffins, Adam Masters of Tributes, Steve Soult of Steve Soult Ltd, Julian Atkinson of JC Atkinson & Son Ltd, Will Hunneybel of Greenfield Creations Ltd, and our secretary Sue Bullock.

“Our grateful thanks to Henri Bislick of Intertek her help and dedication to this project has been inspirational. I believe the future of our profession in coffin manufacture is now in good order, in the safe hands of a quality protocol, a legacy for life.”

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