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Funeral directors take part in Colour Run to raise money for county hospice

On June 12, 2016, Pughs Funeral Directors in Shrewsbury took part in the Shropshire Colour Run for the Severn Hospice. Eight members of the firm joined the race, running and walking around a 5km course whilst onlookers threw colourful (and safe) powdered paint at participants.

This was the first Colour Run arranged by Severn Hospice. Phil Davies of Pughs Funeral Directors said, “from what we could see, it was a great success and very well attended. Despite there being a little bit of drizzle as we warmed up, the weather was good and we all completed the course in under an hour and all looking a great deal more colourful than when we started it!”

Pughs Funeral Directors are based in Shrewsbury, Shropshire. The family led firm was founded in 1890 by Jabus Pugh. The Severn Hospice is a local charity that provides free of charge care to families that are living with an incurable illness. Started in 1989 it has looked after over 25,000 patients since this time and remains a vital source of advice and support for families across Shropshire and beyond.

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