Tenterden to host special reflective event

Reflections on Death and Dying is a very unique and special event being held on April 23 at The Baptist Church Hall, Tenterden.
It won’t be morbid, in fact it will be highlighting the celebratory side of life and indeed death. Organisers hope the event will encourage the public to talk about death and discuss the subject more.
Organiser David Ledger said: “Many people don’t want to even think about their own death let alone talk about it, but by thinking about it and starting to make some preparations, it can help those left behind who otherwise have to best guess what you might want. The day is packed with opportunity to ask questions and hear answers to questions you may not have even thought about.”
Even having a basic plan will help, getting a will done is vital and Gareth Scott of SNS Law will be there to give advice about the legal side, he said, “Don’t assume inheritance of your wealth will be simple when you die, you do need a formal Will to avoid problems and upset, but where do you start? Well we can help make that start”.
Organiser Holly Clarke added “With other things like a Death Café where you can discuss your own thoughts, a stand that helps you consider your own bucket list, commemorating a loved one on the memory tree and an exhibition of poetry, there is something for everyone. Lessen your fears, be inspired and if you can accept your mortality, by planning ahead, it might help you to make the most of the rest of your life”.