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Liverpool city council discuss proposal for larger adults

Liverpool City Council has discussed a proposal to introduce a charge of £945 for a cremation of ‘an adult coffin greater than 30 inches wide’ which is £200 more than the standard charge for a cremation.

A Liverpool City Council spokesman said: ‘There are over 4,000 cremations a year in Liverpool and we estimate that about five percent of these now require larger coffins.

Previously our cremators could only accommodate coffins – up to 30 inches wide – meaning that families would have to arrange cremations at neighbouring authorities. Some of these authorities also apply an extra charge for larger coffins and there they would also be charged an extra fee as a non-resident.

“We have now installed new cremators which can accommodate larger coffins. The increase in fees at the crematoria and at cemeteries reflects the increased cost of building the replacement cremators and also maintaining the fabric of the cemeteries. Families rightly expect cemeteries, crematoria  and memorial gardens to be maintained to the highest standards.”



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