

Current Affairs

‘Paupers’ funerals’ reach record levels in Leeds

The number of public health funerals in one of the UK’s biggest cities has risen to record levels over the past 12 months.

An investigation by the Yorkshire Evening Post has shown that more than 650 public health funerals have been organised in Leeds over the past five years.

Leeds City Council and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust have stepped in to ensure that those unable to afford a funeral are laid to rest in a dignified manner.


In a comparison between eight of England’s biggest cities, Leeds was revealed to have the third highest burial fees. This, coupled with the economic downturn, has been blamed for the rise in buy cymbalta public health funerals.

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust alone spent more than £40,000 arranging 72 public health funerals in just a six-month period last year.

Of the 659 funerals organised by Leeds City Council and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, over three-quarters have been for men and more than 63 per cent were for people aged 60 and over.

The Local Government Association (LGA) has indicated that there has been a year-on-year rise in the overall number of public health funerals, with local authorities across the country having to pay for almost 3,000 in 2011.

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