

Current Affairs

Exam board unveils diploma for celebrants

An examinations board has unveiled an Ofqual approved Diploma for Funeral Celebrants.

OCN North East Region has worked closely with Civil Ceremonies Ltd, which first introduced the concept of a civil funeral in 2002, to devise and develop a national Ofqual approved, Diploma in Funeral Celebrancy.

Funerals conducted by a celebrant have seen increasing popularity in the UK, and many funeral directors now offer such funerals as an alternative to the traditional religious ceremonies.


The OCN North East Region Level 3 Diploma in Funeral Celebrancy (QCF) is a vocational qualification covering all aspects of funeral celebrancy, from understanding the UK funeral industry to delivering a funeral ceremony.

Managing director of Civil Ceremonies Ltd, Anne Barber, said: “This new qualification marks the first national training standard for funeral celebrancy. It comes at a time when we are seeing an increase in applications from people who want to train as funeral celebrants, so it is vitally important to ensure there is a benchmark which the industry can rely on and this qualification provides such a benchmark.

“When a funeral director is approached by a new celebrant, knowing he or she has this high quality, nationally recognised qualification, it provides exactly the assurance of quality they need, as well as confirming the celebrant’s occupational competence.”

Interim chief executive of OCN North East Region, Louise Morritt, added: “As an established awarding organisation we are delighted to work closely with learning providers to develop robust qualifications that meet the needs of the 21st century.

Additional qualifications are currently under development in other areas of celebrancy.

For further information please contact Helen Smith on 0191 518 6550.  Email:  

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