Daniel Robinson and Sons Charity Golf Day raises £43,000

Independent funeral director, Daniel Robinson and Sons, has raised £43,000 to help local children with cerebral palsy during its annual Charity Golf Day event.
On Wednesday 12 September, 35 teams took part in the golf day, held at Colne Valley Golf Club, Earls Colne. This year, BBC Essex Breakfast’s Ben Son arrived to record an interview for the TV show, closely followed by Braintree TV.
After a day of golf, putting and chipping, followed by a tombola and charity auction in the evening, the total amount raised was more than had been raised at any of the previous 14 Golf Days.
Gary Neill, managing director of Daniel Robinson and Sons, said: “These funds will help four local children who all have cerebral palsy in their lower limbs, Lenny, Summer, Lyncoln and Aiden. They will all now be able to benefit from intensive private physiotherapy and equipment, this money will change their levels of mobility forever and help them to build a better future. I can’t thank enough those people who made this possible by making donations or taking part in the day.”