New online funeral planning service launches

A new online funeral planning service Way To Go has launched, allowing people to plan their own funeral.
Way to Go was founded by Julia Page, who wants to encourage people to take control of their own funeral so that it’s “exactly how they want it”.
The service allows customers to choose everything they want for their funeral, including the venue, music, readings, poems and photographs to be shown on the day.
The customer can also pick a special theme, choose music and readings, a funeral director and even record a video message to be shown to friends and family.
The online platform generates a code which can be printed off and left with the customers family or in a will, which enables the reader to access a read-only copy of everything which was planned by the subscriber.
By taking all the planning into their own hands, Way to Go is said to reduce the pressure on family and friends to have to make big decisions at a time of great loss and grief.
Commenting on the launch, Page said: “Loved ones often find it difficult to make the right decisions when they are grieving, so using the planning website ensures that they have less stress and worry at what is, already, a difficult time. There is a huge sense of relief when they know they have honoured their loved one’s wishes.
“I believe that discussing death and your wishes is hugely important so that people understand that death is a natural thing. Way to Go allows people to have the funeral they want; to control their ‘brand’ in terms of pictures and music, rather than leaving it to family members who may pick something that is totally unsuitable.”