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Bath University to host conference on death, dying and disposal

Over 250 academics, policy-makers and practitioners will come together at the University of Bath in early September for the 14th International Conference on the Social Context of Death, Dying and Disposal.

The conference will debate and discuss challenging topics such as taking death education into secondary schools, assisted dying and the paradox of control, as well as funerals for the future.

This year will cover topics ranging from talking about death, developing better strategies to help those bereaved and facing up to the challenges posed by funeral poverty for families and wider society.

Keynote speakers will include Simon Cox, head of insight and external affairs at Dignity, ue Black pro-vice-chancellor engagement, Lancaster University and Havi Carel philosopher at the University of Bristol. The topics vary from cremation costs, study of human remains for medical and legal purposes and dealing with a long term terminal illness.


Dr John Troyer, director of Bath’s Centre for Death and Society, said: “The topics to be discussed at this year’s Death, Dying and Disposal Conference are pertinent to us all.

“Yet all too often we shy away from the difficult debates to be had on fundamental questions around end of life care, funeral poverty or bereavement support which collectively we have a pressing need to tackle.”

He added: “Attendees coming to Bath this September represent the world’s leading thinkers on all topics related to human mortality and the end-of-life planning and we’re delighted to welcome colleagues from around the world to share their valuable insights.”

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