


Funeralcare MD joined by Sugababe at charity of the year launch

Jade Ewan of the Sugababes recently joined the Co-operative Funeralcare’s MD George Tinning as the Co-operative launched a year of fundraising for its charity of the year, Carers Trust.

Helping to get the fundraising activities underway, Jade, who herself is a young adult carer, gave up her birthday to attend the launch at the Co-operative’s Manchester HQ.

Formed last year when the Princess Royal Trust for Carers merged with Crossroads Care, Carers Trust will benefit from the Co-operative’s 100,000 staff members aiming to raise £5 million to help tackle feelings of isolation and provide breaks, information, advice and support for 14 to 25 year-olds facing the challenge of caring.


Group chief executive of the Co-operative Peter Marks CBE said: “I am delighted to officially launch the Co-operative’s partnership with Carers Trust and its work to support those young people in our communities who undertake unpaid practical and emotional caring responsibilities for a family member or friend who cannot cope without their support.

“Although it will affect most families at some time, the challenges of unpaid caring is an often hidden issue and our work with Carers Trust – which forms an integral part of our commitment to inspiring young people – sets out to change that. I am confident that with the support of our staff, members and customers we can make life changing differences to thousands of young people across the UK.”

Jade Ewan commented: “As someone who has been, and still is, a young adult carer, I’m really pleased to be able to support others through Carers Trust.

“I know how hard it can be for young people with caring responsibilities so it’s great that the Co-operative has chosen Carers Trust to be their charity of the year. I hope that many, many, young lives will be improved hugely as a result.”

Chief executive of Carers Trust Thea Stein said: “We are incredibly excited at the prospects of the year ahead, working alongside the Co-operative to provide much needed help for this frequently overlooked and neglected group of dedicated and hard-working young people who are all around us and who desperately need our support.”

Image: (L-R) Jade Ewan; George Tinning, Co-operative Funeralcare MD; and Thea Stein, Carers Trust chief executive.

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