Trade Organisations

IFSO inspection team returns to NAFD

The inspectorate team remains the same and member funeral homes should experience ‘no difference in the quality of inspections and oversight provided’

The four Independent Funeral Standards Organisation (IFSO) inspectors have officially returned to the National Association of Funeral Directors’ (NAFD) employment earlier this month. 

It comes after the NAFD made the decision to create an independent regulatory body for the industry in 2021, in the public interest, when it became clear that the previous government did not intend to do so. 

However, IFSO’s establishment was always dependent upon its ability to become financially sustainable and “truly independent” to also regulate funeral homes outside of NAFD membership, and to receive a clear policy direction from government, which would ensure support for its mandatory oversight of standards.  


According to the association, its remit of the inspectorate team remains the same and member funeral homes should experience “no difference in the quality of inspections and oversight provided”. 

Andrew Judd, CEO of NAFD, said: “Until this policy direction emerges from the new government, the NAFD’s governing board has decided to bring the inspection of our member premises in-house, ensuring we continue to deliver high-quality oversight efficiently and effectively. 

“IFSO, as a community interest company, is now dormant; ready and waiting until such time as it is required again. We remain extremely proud of the ambition which underpinned the establishment of IFSO.” 

He added: “The NAFD acted in the public interest in trying to provide a solution to the need for independent oversight and assurance, as we do not believe self-regulation goes far enough in providing quality assurance to bereaved people.”

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