


Natural Burial Company prepares for bereavement day

The 2019 Prestwold Hall Bereavement Awareness Day will be held on Sunday 28 April, just outside of Loughborough in Leicestershire.

A wide range of presentations and workshops have been arranged and the organisers say that the exhibition is already “almost fully subscribed” with limited spaces available. Entry to the public is free.

Last year, the event was opened by cricketer Jonathan Agnew, who planted a Willow in the grounds of Prestwold Hall to commemorate the day. This year, there will be a further, formal opening and commemoration at this year’s event.


The ethos of the event is to promote thought and discussion regarding bereavement and death. As well as presentations, workshops and the exhibition, there will be private rooms allowing space for discussion with caring experts.

Christopher Doggett, managing director of The Natural Burial Company and organiser of the event, said: “It is our aim as caring bereavement and funeral professionals to help all within the community and provide peace of mind and guidance. The Bereavement Awareness Day is free and open to all, allowing everyone the opportunity to meet, discuss, listen and learn.

“We are all here to help.”

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